Tag Archives: invasive plants

Bonus episode: Are the Plants “Invasive”? or the Land Ethics?

Are the Plants "Invasive"? or the Land Ethics? Amy Walsh interviews Kollibri

In this cross-posted guest episode, host Kollibri terre Sonnenblume takes the guest seat and is interviewed by Amy Walsh of The Nettle Witch, MD. Amy describes herself as someone who is “not so gracefully walking the line between medical doctor and wild woman” and who is “exploring the science and magic of healing through essays, storytelling and poetry.” The subject: so-called “invasive plants.” In their conversation, they dive into many of the basic critiques of this common but highly dubious narrative. We cover much of what the science says and doesn’t say, and we also discuss what cultural beliefs and prejudices feed the narrative.


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Ep. 1: Plant Advocacy


An interview with with Paul Moss, Executive Director of the Plant Initiative, a plant advocacy organization. In this far-ranging and intriguing conversation we talk about plant intelligence, agriculture, “invasive” plants, anthropocentrism, and more.

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Introduction / trailer

Speaking for the Trees, No Matter Where They're From


Introducing “Speaking for the Trees, No Matter Where They’re From”—the podcast! Featuring interviews with nature lovers on plants & ecology, with a special focus on “invasive plant” mythologies and the threat to wildlife habitat from “green energy” development. Plus agriculture, wildtending, plant consciousness and more.

Paying subscribers on SubStack and Patreon will get early access and exclusive content.

The SubStack blog also features free blog posts, so head on over to read.

If you’re someone who loves plants and the planet, join us!

To find the podcast, search for it by name, or follow these links:

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